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Kent and Medway SAB

Awareness Raising Resources

Adult abuse. See it, report it, stop it.

We all have a responsibility to look after one another, but some people don’t report their concerns because they don’t know the key signs that something is wrong, they feel it isn’t their business or they don’t know who they should talk to.

The result is that councils, hospitals, police and other organisations miss out on important information that could help them protect adults from exploitation and abuse.

By working together with Kent's many organisations and the public, we aim to empower people to act when they are worried about the welfare of another person by ensuring they are confident of the key indicators of abuse and know how and when to report their concerns.

How you can help

This KMSAB Media Resource Pack contains a variety of resources to help share the word both within and outside your organisation. This includes:

  • An email signature to share internally with staff
  • Social media banners, graphics and videos 
  • A poster
  • An information leaflet (below)

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Download the KMSAB Media Resource Pack

Key Messages

  • Safeguarding is protecting an adult's right to live in safety and free from abuse and neglect
  • Safeguarding is everyone's responsibility and anything you notice could form part of a bigger picture
  • The main types of abuse are:
    • Physical Abuse
    • Domestic Abuse
    • Sexual Abuse
    • Psychological abuse
    • financial or material abuse
    • modern slavery
    • discriminatory abuse
    • organisational abuse
    • neglect and acts of omission self-neglect
    • forced honour - based violence
    • hate crime
    • mate crime
  • There are key signs for all of the above
  • It's up to all of us to look after each other and if you are worried about someone, talk to them, if it is safe to do so.
  • If you are still concerned, or it is not safe to talk to them, contact social services and provide as much information as possible.
  • In an emergency, call 999.


    SAR Report SAR Report SAR Report
    Adult Abuse

    Adult Abuse -

    Easy Read

    Translated leaflets
